Our projects


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Campania „WEEE ARE DEEE CHAMPIONS” este o inițiativă a Asociației CNREE, având ca scop educarea ecologică și informarea publicului cu privire la importanța reciclării echipamentelor electrice și electronice (DEEE). Inspirată de spiritul de echipă din fotbal, campania evidențiază rolul fiecărui participant de a contribuind la protecția mediului și la un viitor mai verde.

Campania îndeamnă oamenii să se alăture echipei „WEEE ARE DEEE CHAMPIONS” pentru a deveni campioni în reciclarea DEEE, contribuind astfel la o planetă mai curată și mai sănătoasă. Prin educație și acțiuni concrete, campania urmărește să inspire o schimbare pozitivă în comportamentul de reciclare al comunităților, promovând un stil de viață sustenabil și responsabil.

RECIclădim viitorul!

The project "Reciclădim Viitorul” will take place for a year and aims to conduct open, educational lessons with the theme of recycling, reuse and protecting the environment, with an emphasis on the involvement and participation of students through their own example. 

The aim of the project is to emphasize the role of the school in environmental education, because children and young people spend a large part of their time here and because it is the place where knowledge is transmitted that aims to develop the positive attitude of students towards environmental subjects surrounding. 

In March, joins the environmental education campaign "RECIclădim viitorul” the team from the InfinitEDUAssociation , an association that promotes quality education and the love of going to school.
Preschool, primary, secondary and high school students will participate in activities on ecological themes, organized by CNREE and InfinitEdu mentors. They will learn interesting information about the recycling and reuse of used electrical and electronic products, as well as the ways in which they can reduce pollution, regardless of its cause.
Activities will be carried out on the occasion of the program "Săptămâna Verde” in several educational institutions, for almost 100 classes from the preschool, primary, secondary and high school cycles.


The National Electric and Electronic Recycling Center Association started the national campaign for the collection of electrical and electronic waste, with the support of over 20 participating town halls.

The collection campaign "Haideee să fim ECO" aims to increase the level of information and awareness of the population regarding the importance of the selective collection of electrical waste in order to recycle it, as well as to increase the amount of waste collected from the population in order to meet the objectives set by GEO no. 5/2015.
